4.19 Safe disposal of foul, infected or infested linen

Essential equipment

  • Personal protective equipment
  • Water‐soluble laundry bag
  • Red plastic or linen laundry bag in holder
  • Orange waste bag



  1. 1.
    Assemble all the required equipment.
    To avoid having to fetch anything else during the procedure and risk spreading contamination to other areas. E
  2. 2.
    Put on disposable gloves and apron.
    To minimize contamination of hands or clothing from the soiled linen. E
  3. 3.
    Separate the edges of the open end of the water‐soluble laundry bag.
    To make it easier to put the soiled linen in the bag. E


  1. 4.
    Gather up the foul, infected or infested linen in such a way that any gross contamination (e.g. blood or faeces) is contained within the linen.
    To minimize any contamination of the surrounding area. E
  2. 5.
    If there are two people, one holds the water‐soluble laundry bag open while the other puts the soiled linen into it. If there is one person, hold one edge of the open end of the water‐soluble bag in one hand and place the soiled linen in the bag with the other. In either case, take care not to contaminate the outside of the bag.
    To remove the need for laundry workers to handle foul, infected or infested linen before it is washed (DH [26], C).
  3. 6.
    Tie the water‐soluble bag closed using the tie provided or by knotting together the edges of the open end.
    To keep the soiled laundry inside the bag. E
  4. 7.
    Place the full water‐soluble bag of soiled linen into the red outer laundry bag without touching the outside of the red bag.
    To identify the linen as requiring special treatment. E
  5. 8.
    Remove gloves and apron and dispose of them in an orange waste bag.
    To avoid transferring contamination to other areas (DH [25], C).
  6. 9.
    Wash hands and forearms with soap and water. Dry thoroughly with a disposable paper towel.
    To avoid transferring contamination to other areas (WHO [124], C).
  7. 10.
    Close the red outer laundry bag and transfer it to the designated collection area.
    To ensure it does not cause an obstruction and is transferred to the laundry at the earliest opportunity. E