Chapter 13: Diagnostic tests
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Source: Adapted from Keogh ([114]), Pagana and Pagana ([177]), Welch and Black ([254]).
Source: Adapted from Keogh ([114]), Pagana and Pagana ([177]), Welch and Black ([254]).
Evidence‐based approaches
ABG sampling provides valuable information relating to a patient's respiratory, metabolic acid‐base and electrolyte status (Table 13.8). It allows the partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2), the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) and the acid‐base balance (pH) to be measured. It is also used to measure electrolytes and haemoglobin (for example) at a specific point in the course of a patient's illness (Keogh 2017, Pagana and Pagana 2017). The sample is often taken during a period of acute deterioration (Pagana and Pagana 2017, Welch and Black 2017).
Table 13.8 Arterial blood gas sampling
Test | Reference range | Functions and additional information |
pH | 7.35–7.45 | The acidity of the blood is measured by the pH. The pH scale measures the number of hydrogen ions (H+). A pH >7.45 is alkaline or basic and pH <7.35 is acidic. |
PaCO2 | 4.6–6.0 kPa | The partial pressure of carbon dioxide is measured by the PaCO2 and is a measure of ventilation or respiratory function |
PaO2 | 10.0–13.3 kPa | The PaO2 measures the amount of oxygen carried by the blood. |
HCO3 − | 22–26 mmol/L | The HCO3 − is bicarbonate and measures the metabolic or renal part of the acid‐base balance. The amount of HCO3 − increases if the blood becomes too acidic. |
Base excess/deficit | −2 to +2 | A negative (deficit) base excess indicates a metabolic acidosis and a positive base excess a metabolic alkalosis or compensation. |
O2 saturation | >95% | The O2 saturation is the percentage of haemoglobin saturated with O2. |
There are two methods for sampling an ABG: arterial puncture and intra‐arterial cannula. The latter method is usually used in the critical care unit, intensive care unit or high‐dependency unit. In practice, interpreting the abnormalities in each value that may be compensated will help to determine the treatment plan. Compensation occurs when the body is able to respond to the acid‐base imbalance to normalize the pH via the respiratory and/or metabolic systems (Table 13.9).
Table 13.9 Arterial blood gas abnormalities
Diagnosis | pH | PaCO2 | HCO3 − |
Acute respiratory acidosis | ↓ | ↑ | Normal |
Acute respiratory alkalosis | ↑ | ↓ | Normal |
Acute metabolic acidosis | ↓ | Normal or ↓ | ↓ |
Acute metabolic alkalosis | ↑ | Normal | ↑ |
Compensated respiratory acidosis | Near normal | ↑ | ↑ |
Compensated respiratory alkalosis | Normal | ↓ | ↓ |
Compensated metabolic acidosis | Near normal | ↓ | ↓ |
Compensated metabolic alkalosis | Near normal | ↑ | ↑ |
Indications for ABG sampling include the following:
- to enable the identification of respiratory, metabolic and mixed acid‐base disorders, with or without physiological compensation, by means of pH (concentration of H+ ions) and carbon dioxide (CO2) levels (partial pressure of CO2)
- to measure the partial pressures of respiratory gases involved in oxygenation and ventilation (PaO2 and PaCO2)
- to monitor acid‐base status, as in a patient with diabetic ketoacidosis on insulin infusion; ABG and venous blood gas (VBG) could be obtained simultaneously for comparison, with VBG sampling subsequently used for further monitoring
- to assess the response to therapeutic interventions such as mechanical ventilation in a patient with respiratory failure
- to determine arterial respiratory gases during diagnostic evaluation (e.g. assessment of the need for home oxygen therapy in patients with advanced chronic pulmonary disease)
- to procure a blood sample in an acute emergency setting when venous sampling is not feasible (many blood chemistry tests can be performed from an arterial sample) (Danckers and Fried [41], Keogh [114], Pagana and Pagana [177]).
Absolute contraindications for ABG sampling include the following:
- an abnormal modified Allen test (Figure 13.11), in which case consideration should be given to attempting puncture at a different site
- local infection or distorted anatomy at the potential puncture site (e.g. from previous surgical interventions, congenital or acquired malformations, or burns)
- full‐thickness burns
- Raynaud's syndrome
- the presence of arteriovenous fistulas or vascular grafts, in which case arterial vascular puncture should not be attempted
- known or suspected severe peripheral vascular disease of the limb involved.

Figure 13.11 Modified Allen test. (a) Step 1: firmly compress the radial and ulnar arteries while the patient clenches their fist. (b) Step 2: ask the patient to open their hand, then release the arteries one at a time. (c) Step 3: the ulnar artery can be used for sampling if blood flow returns to the hand within 15 seconds of release of only the ulnar artery.
Relative contraindications include the following:
- severe coagulopathy
- anticoagulation therapy with warfarin, heparin and derivatives, direct thrombin inhibitors or factor X inhibitors; aspirin is not a contraindication for arterial vascular sampling in most cases
- localized infection at the sampling site
- partial‐thickness burns
- use of thrombolytic agents, such as streptokinase or tissue plasminogen activator (Danckers and Fried [41], Keogh [114], Pagana and Pagana [177]).
Arterial puncture
Arterial puncture may result in spasm, intraluminal clotting or bleeding, haematoma formation, or a transient obstruction of blood flow. These factors may decrease the arterial flow in distal tissues unless adequate collateral arterial vessels are available. Traditionally, palpation is the method used to locate the radial artery; however, Doppler ultrasound has also been used (Ueda et al. [245]). The radial artery at the wrist is the best site for obtaining an arterial sample because it is near the surface, is relatively easy to palpate and stabilize, and usually has good collateral supply from the ulnar arteries. This can be confirmed via a modified Allen test (Figure 13.11).
Multiple puncture attempts will increase the risk of patient discomfort, localized injury and haematoma, and delayed interventions, and may also contribute to arterial spasm (Ueda et al. [245]). There are various factors that are associated with failed arterial puncture or cannulation and they include obesity, oedema, arterial scarring, hypotension and atherosclerosis (White et al. [256]). If the patient requires repetitive blood sampling, it may be more appropriate to admit them to a more clinically suitable area where intra‐arterial cannulation is possible. This not only minimizes both the distress to the patient and the time taken by skilled personnel in obtaining each sample but also reduces the risks associated with multiple punctures (Brzezinski et al. [25]). It is worth noting that morbidity associated with arterial cannulation is less than that associated with five or more arterial punctures (Bersten et al. [13]; see also Chapter c17: Vascular access devices: insertion and management). Radial artery puncture and cannulation are relatively safe procedures with severe complications occurring rarely; however, there can be infections, thrombotic complications or mechanical complications in 1% of patients. Although the anatomy of the arteries in the forearm and hand is variable, adequate collateral flow in the event of radial artery thrombosis is present in most patients (Ueda et al. [245], White et al. [256]).