Blood glucose


Blood glucose is the amount of glucose in the blood (Whitmore [212]). Table 14.15 outlines the normal target ranges, which are expressed as millimoles per litre (mmol/L). Normally, blood glucose levels stay within narrow limits (4–8 mmol/L) throughout the day. However, some fluctuations can occur throughout the day: readings are usually slightly higher after meals and lowest in the morning (Whitmore [212]).
Table 14.15  Normal target blood glucose ranges
Target levels by typeUpon waking (mmol/L)Before meals (pre‐prandial) (mmol/L)At least 90 minutes after meals (post‐prandial) (mmol/L)
Non‐diabetic3.9–5.44.0–5.9under 7.8
Type 2 diabetes5.0–7.04.0–7.0under 8.5
Type 1 diabetes5.0–7.04.0–7.05.0–9.0
Children with type 1 diabetes4.0–7.04.0–7.05.0–9.0
Source: Adapted from