16.5 Handover in the post‐anaesthetic care unit (PACU): scrub nurse or operating department practitioner to recovery practitioner

  • Personal protective equipment
  • All equipment relevant to the patient's specific procedure



  1. 1.
    Introduce yourself to the patient, explain and discuss the procedure with them, and gain their consent to proceed if possible.
    To ensure that the patient feels at ease, understands the procedure and gives their valid consent as far as possible (NMC [152], C).
  2. 2.
    Accompany the patient with the anaesthetist to the recovery area. Hand over information on the following:
    To ensure continuity and effective communication of care for the patient. To ensure that the recovery practitioner has all the information required to assess the patient's recovery needs. C
    • the surgical procedure performed
    The actual procedure performed may be different from the proposed procedure. E
    • allergies or pre‐existing medical conditions, e.g. diabetes mellitus
    To highlight specific potential post‐operative complications to be assessed and monitored. E
    • the patient's cardiovascular state and type of anaesthesia administered
    To safely maintain the patient's cardiovascular system and airway immediately post‐operatively. E
    • the presence, position and nature of any drains, infusions, or intravenous or arterial devices
    To ensure care and management of these drains are continued and that the positioning of the patient is assessed to prevent any occlusion of drains or infusions. E
    • the presence of any surgical wound with a swab packed (this will need to be removed either on the ward post‐operatively or during a second trip to the operating theatre on another day for pack removal)
    To ensure care and management of the wound pack is continued as part of the safety process during the patient care pathway. This will avoid retention of foreign bodies. E
    • confirmation of flushing of the intravenous line and cannula by the anaesthetist
    To ensure that there is no residual anaesthetic drug in the intravenous system, thus avoiding a delayed recovery, and to avoid a potential anaesthetic complication in the recovery area (NHSI [140], R).
    • any anxieties the patient expressed before surgery, such as a fear of not waking after anaesthesia or fear of coping with pain
    To ensure that the recovery practitioner can respond appropriately as the patient regains consciousness and to enable assessment of the efficacy of subsequent nursing interventions. E
    • specific instructions from the surgeon or anaesthetist for post‐operative care.
    To facilitate effective communication of the patient's care and treatment and to ensure that the appropriate post‐operative clinical care is delivered. E


  1. 3.
    Record all information in the perioperative nursing care plan.
    To ensure accurate and up‐to‐date patient documentation (NMC [152], C).