Chapter 17: Vascular access devices: insertion and management
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Pre‐procedural considerations
A number of different types of peripheral cannula are available. It has been shown that the incidence of vascular complications increases as the ratio of the external diameter of the cannula to vessel lumen increases. The placement of large PIVCs is known to increase the incidence of malfunction that leads to failure (Alexandrou et al. [6]). Therefore, most of the literature recommends using the smallest, shortest gauge cannula possible in any given situation (Bitmead and Oliver [39], Frank [157], Gorski et al. [181], Macklin and Chernecky [287], RCN [381]). The measurement used for needles and cannulas is standard wire gauge (swg), which measures the internal diameter; the smaller the gauge size, the larger the diameter. Standard wire gauge measurement is determined by how many cannulas fit into a tube with an inner diameter of 1 inch (25.4 mm) and uses consecutive numbers from 13 to 24. The diameter, for example 1.2 mm, may be expressed as a gauge, for example 18 G (Nauth‐Misir [344]). Needles use odd numbers, for example 19 G or 21 G, while cannulas use even numbers, for example 18 G or 20 G (Weinstein and Hagle [465]). Therefore, a smaller gauge cannula will minimize trauma to the vein and increase blood flow around the device, promoting dilution and minimizing the risk of mechanical phlebitis (Bitmead and Oliver [39], McGowan [306]) (Figures 17.13, 17.14 and 17.15).
The walls of the device should therefore be thin to provide the largest possible internal diameter without increasing the external diameter. This is to ensure that maximum flow rates may be achieved while reducing complications such as mechanical irritation. Flow rates vary with equipment from different manufacturers. Flow rate through a cannula is related to its internal diameter and is inversely proportional to its length (Table 17.2). However, as the length of the cannula increases, so does the likelihood of vascular complications. For example, a large‐gauge device of longer length (1.6–2.0 cm) will fill the vessel, preventing blood flow around it, which could result in mechanical trauma to the vessel and encourage the development of phlebitis (Dougherty [124], Tagalakis et al. [434]).
Table 17.2 Example of gauge sizes and average flow rates, using water (note that these may differ between manufacturers and cannula types)
Gauge (G) | Flow rate (mL/min) | General uses |
14 | 350 | In theatres and emergencies for rapid transfusion of blood or viscous fluids |
16 | 215 | As 14 G |
18 | 104 | Blood transfusions, parenteral nutrition, stem cell harvesting and cell separation, and large volumes of fluids |
20 | 62 | Blood transfusions and large volumes of fluids |
22 | 35 | Blood transfusions, and most medications and fluids |
24 | 24 | Medications, short‐term infusions, fragile veins and children |
The most suitable material is one that is non‐irritant and does not increase the risk of thrombus formation (Dougherty [124]). The material should also be radio‐opaque or contain a stripe of radio‐opaque material for radiographic visualization in the event of catheter embolus (Dougherty [124], Perucca [369]). Types of material can vary and include PVC (polyvinyl chloride), Teflon, Vialon, and various polyurethane and elastomeric hydrogel materials (Bitmead and Oliver [39], Dojcinovska [121]). Studies have compared the different types of material available to ascertain which is associated with the lowest potential risk of phlebitis (Karadag and Gorgulu [236]). When considering the results of these studies, however, it must be noted that investigators often use different phlebitis scales and calculations to create a total score for each device. Other inconsistencies relate to differences in catheter size, skin preparation, the use of dressings and the type of solution being infused. This makes it difficult to interpret research comparing catheter materials.
Types of cannula
The ‘over the needle’ type of cannula is the most commonly used device for peripheral venous access and is available with various gauge sizes, lengths, compositions and design features (Dougherty [124]). The cannula is mounted on the needle (known as the stylet) and once the device has been pushed off the needle into the vein, the stylet is removed. A sharp‐tipped stylet facilitates penetration into the vein and the type of graduation from the cannula to the needle can affect the degree of trauma to the vessel and the cannula tip (Dougherty [124]). A thin, smooth‐walled cannula tapering to a scalloped end causes less damage than one that is abruptly cut off (Dougherty [124], Macklin and Chernecky [287]).
Some peripheral cannulas have wings, which help with securing the device to the skin in order to prevent a piston‐like movement within the vein and accidental removal (Dougherty [124]). Some devices have small ports on the top (these are favoured more in Europe than in the US) (Figure 17.13). The advantage of a ported device is the ability to administer drugs without interfering with a continuous infusion. However, the caps are often not replaced correctly, which leaves the system exposed to contamination and the risk of air entering, so where ported devices are used they should be capped off using a needle‐free injection connector (Easterlow et al. [136]). It has also been found that the ports cannot be adequately sterilized with a swab, as there is no flat surface, so these devices are associated with an increased risk of infection (Easterlow et al. [136]).
Safety cannulas are now available and have either active or passive mechanisms. In the active devices the practitioner has to push a button in order to activate the safety feature, while in the passive devices the stylet has a blunting or shielding facility, which is automatically activated on removal from the cannula (Dojcinovska [121], Dougherty [124], Gorski et al. [181], HSE [217], RCN [381]) (Figure 17.14). New closed system safety cannulas (Figure 17.15) can also reduce the healthcare professional's exposure to blood by introducing an integrated catheter tubing that prevents blood spillage (Bitmead and Oliver [39]). There is evidence that these integrated closed‐cannula systems can reduce the risks of needle stick injury, blood leakage and exposure, as well as increase dwell time and patient comfort (Shaw [411]), making them safer, more convenient and more economical (Barton [20], Bitmead and Oliver [39]).
Assessment and recording tools
Proactive patient assessment and intentional device selection are fundamental to the successful placement and preservation of the PIVC (Bitmead and Oliver [39]). There are various models, for example:
- I‐DECIDED: IV Assessment and Decision Tool (Ray‐Barruel et al. [379]) (Figure 17.16)
- Vessel Health Preservation (VHP) framework (Hallam et al. [197])
- Michigan Appropriateness Guide for Intravenous Catheters (MAGIC) (Chopra et al. [77])
- UK Oncology Nursing Society's Cancer Therapy Venous Access Device Decision Guide (Flynn et al. [151]).

Figure 17.16 I‐DECIDED: IV Assessment and Decision Tool. Source: Reproduced from Ray‐Barruel et al. ([379]) with permission of BMJ.
These all provide guidance on the selection and insertion of intravenous devices by offering a standardized pathway approach (Bitmead and Oliver [39]) and give guidance on how to select an intravenous device, based on the type and duration of therapy, vein health and the patient's medical condition. Using a care bundle for insertion helps to promote best practice and includes hand hygiene and ensuring the practitioner has the appropriate equipment (e.g. gloves, tourniquet, skin preparation, cannulas, dressings and sharps bins) (Burnett et al. [58]). Many PIVC infusion phlebitis scales and definitions are used internationally, for example the Visual Infusion Phlebitis (VIP) scale (Figure 17.17). The scale was developed by Jackson ([226]) and measures the signs and symptoms of phlebitis, matching them to the appropriate management. Each stage has a numbered score; this is recorded by nursing staff at regular intervals and, where necessary, the corresponding action is taken (Groll et al. [186], Morris [325]). However, there is now debate as to the lack of inter‐rater agreement between these phlebitis assessment scales and the need for new approaches to evaluate vein irritation that demonstrate comprehensive reliability and validity (Marsh et al. [296], Ray‐Barruel et al. [380], [379]).

Figure 17.17 Visual Infusion Phlebitis (VIP) scale. Source: Reproduced from Jackson ([226]) with permission of Nursing Times.
Pharmacological support
The use of local anaesthetic prior to insertion of peripheral cannulas has been advocated to reduce pain and anxiety in children and specific adults (Scales [399]). It is recommended:
When required, the agent that is the least invasive and/or carries the least risk for allergic reaction should be considered first (RCN [381]). Local anaesthetic may be applied as follows:
The most commonly used local anaesthetic creams are EMLA (eutectic mixture of local anaesthetics: lidocaine and prilocaine) and Ametop (topical amethocaine). These are applied to the skin 30–60 minutes prior to cannulation and covered with an occlusive dressing. A meta‐analysis showed that EMLA cream significantly decreased the pain of intravenous cannulation in 85% of adults and children (Fetzer [147]). However, it causes vasoconstriction, making cannulation more difficult. Ametop has been shown to be more effective than EMLA and to cause significantly less vasoconstriction (Browne et al. [54]). However, it can result in an erythematous rash if left in situ for longer than the recommended time (BNF [42]).
Ethyl chloride is a fast‐acting vapo‐coolant spray that provides rapid, transient, topical local analgesia for minor invasive procedures such as cannulation. It has no anaesthetic properties but the sprayed liquid makes the skin cold and less sensitive as it evaporates, causing instant numbing. The effect lasts for about 30–45 seconds (Fossum et al. [153]).
Intradermal lidocaine 1% can be slowly injected around the vein to be cannulated after skin sterilization to minimize the discomfort of the procedure. Intradermal injection of lidocaine has been shown to reduce the pain of intravenous cannulation and be less painful than placement of the cannula itself (Brown and Larson [52], Ganter‐Ritz et al. [168]). However, it should be used with caution because of the potential to cause an allergic reaction, tissue damage and inadvertent injection of the drug into the vascular system, and it can even obliterate the vein (Dougherty [125], Gorski et al. [181]). It is not recommended for routine use (Gorski et al. [181], RCN [381]).
Iontophoresis uses a painless electrical current to facilitate the movement of solute ions across the skin. It has been used to administer lidocaine prior to intravenous cannulation without the need for intradermal injection and has been shown to be as effective as EMLA (Dougherty [125], Galinkin et al. [162]).
Although local anaesthetic reduces the pain of intravenous cannulation, it is not without complications. Irrespective of the method of anaesthesia, there is a risk that the symptoms of extravasation may be obscured and it may even influence the risk of injury occurring (Stanley [428]).
Non‐pharmacological support
There are a number of methods for relieving pain using a non‐pharmacological approach (MacKereth et al. [283]). The provision of clear and comprehensive information about the procedure can help to alleviate any associated fear and anxiety the patient may have, and it also enables early consideration of interventions such as relaxation techniques, massage or distraction therapy (McGowan [306]). Distraction therapy includes techniques such as the cough trick (Usichenko et al. [449]), massage (Wendler [467]), transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) (Coyne et al. [93]) and visualization (Andrews and Shaw [13]).
Specific patient preparation
Skin preparation
As the most common cause of VAD infection is the patient's own skin flora, it is important to clean the skin adequately prior to cannulation (Figure 17.18). The patient's skin should be washed with soap and water if visibly dirty, which will remove most transient flora (Perucca [369]). Then an antiseptic solution, such as 2% chlorhexidine solution in 70% alcohol, should be applied with repeated up‐and‐down, back‐and‐forth strokes with friction for 30–60 seconds over an area of 4–5 cm diameter (Bitmead and Oliver [39], Bodenham et al. [43], DH [117], Perucca [369]). A quick wipe fails to reduce bacteria count (Weinstein and Hagle [465]). The skin should then be allowed to air dry for up to 1 minute to ensure coagulation of the organism and to prevent stinging as the needle pierces the skin (Gorski et al. [181], RCN [381], Weinstein and Hagle [465]). Fanning, blowing on and blotting the prepared area are contraindicated (Perucca [369]). Once the skin has been cleaned, it must not be touched or repalpated (Dougherty [124]). If it is necessary to repalpate, then the cleaning regimen should be repeated. The principles of aseptic non‐touch technique must be adhered to at all times (Bitmead and Oliver [39]).
Shaving the skin prior to cannulation is not recommended (Gorski et al. [181], RCN [381], Weinstein and Hagle [465]) as the supposed need to remove hair has not been substantiated by scientific evidence (Weinstein and Hagle [465]). Shaving with a razor should not be performed because of the potential to cause microabrasions, which increase the risk of infection (Gorski et al. [181], Perucca [369], RCN [381]). Depilatories should not be used because of the potential for allergic reaction or irritation (Perucca [369], RCN [381]). If hair removal is felt to be necessary then this can be accomplished by clipping with scissors or clippers (Perucca [369], RCN [381]). These should be cleaned between patient use or only used once to prevent cross‐infection (RCN [381]).
Psychological preparation
The influence of a bad experience can be overwhelming for a patient, and any practitioner performing venepuncture or cannulation must never underestimate either the impact for the patient of undergoing the procedure or how they may view these procedures in the future (Dougherty [125]). It has been found that 20% of adults experience mild to intense fear of injections and blood, with 10% having a profound fear of needles; this may be expressed as feelings of anxiety and/or a vasovagal episode with symptoms of bradycardia and hypotension (Dougherty [124], Jenkins [231]). Anxiety can be caused by previous bad experiences, a degree of needle phobia or dislike of needle procedures (Andrews [12], Andrews and Shaw [13], Jenkins [231], Lavery and Ingram [264]). Many patients will be apprehensive and this anxiety may cause vasoconstriction, making cannulation more difficult as well as more painful for the patient. How nurses approach the patient, and their manner and attitude, may have a direct bearing on the patient's response to the procedure (Dougherty [125], McGowan [306]).
If the patient's history includes complications associated with any procedure, venepuncture or cannulation may be very difficult (Jenkins [231], Weinstein and Hagle [465]). However, when a procedure is performed by an experienced practitioner and it is a positive experience for the patient, they may feel comfortable and relaxed. The nurse should ask patients about their past experiences and acknowledge their feelings and fears (Dougherty [125], McGowan [306]). Provision of clear and comprehensive information on the procedure should reduce the patient's anxiety and pain (Dougherty [125], Lüker and Stahlheber‐Dilg [279], Weinstein and Hagle [465]).
Procedure guideline 17.4
Peripheral cannula insertion
Table 17.3 Prevention and resolution (Procedure guideline 17.4)
Problem | Cause | Prevention | Action |
Anxious patient |
Previous traumatic experiences
Fear of needles or blood
Ignorance about what the procedure involves |
Approach the patient in a calm and confident manner.
Listen to the patient's previous experiences and involve them in site selection.
Offer a local anaesthetic (by gel or injection).
Explain what the procedure involves and show them the equipment if appropriate.
Offer the patient the opportunity to lie down or recline during the procedure.
Use all methods of improving venous dilation to ensure success on the first attempt. | Refer the patient for psychological support if the anxiety and fear are of phobic proportions. It usually takes a few weeks to help a patient manage needle phobia. |
Difficulty in locating a suitable vein |
Excessive previous use
Shock or dehydration.
Fragile, thready veins, for example in the elderly or in patients on anticoagulant therapy
Thrombosed veins as a result of treatment, for example cytotoxic therapy |
Alternate sites wherever possible to avoid overuse of certain veins.
Use the methods described above to reduce anxiety. |
Reassure the patient.
Use all methods of improving venous access before attempting the procedure, for example use warm water or glyceryl trinitrate patches to encourage venous dilation, or use vein illumination or ultrasound devices.
Assess the patient using an assessment tool to ascertain the likely degree of difficulty and refer for a central venous access device if necessary.
Do not attempt the procedure unless experienced. |
Missing the vein on insertion of the cannula |
Inadequate anchoring
Collapse of the vein
Incorrect position of practitioner or patient
Inadequate palpation
Poor vein choice
Lack of concentration
Failure to penetrate the vein properly due to incorrect insertion angle |
Ensure good position and lighting.
Ensure optimal preparation and concentration.
Use correct technique and accurate vein selection. |
Withdraw the needle and manoeuvre it gently to realign it and correct the angle of insertion.
Check during manoeuvring that the patient is not feeling any pain. If the patient complains of excessive pain, remove the needle.
If unsuccessful then remove the needle.
Where necessary, refer the patient to a colleague with more experience. |
Blood flashback seen and then stops |
Bevel of needle up against a valve
Penetration of the posterior vein wall by the device
Possible vein collapse |
Try to locate valves prior to insertion and insert the device just above the valve.
Carefully level off once in the vein to prevent penetration of the posterior wall.
Use a good angle of approach to the vein to prevent through‐puncture. |
Release and tighten the tourniquet (if possible).
Gently stroke the vein above the needle to relieve venous spasm.
Withdraw the needle slightly to move the bevel away from the valve.
If the vein wall has been penetrated, remove the device. |
Difficulty in advancing the cannula |
Releasing the tourniquet too soon, causing the vein to collapse
Removing the stylet too far and being unable to advance the cannula, which is now no longer rigid enough to be advanced
Encountering a valve
Not releasing the cannula from the needle prior to insertion according to the manufacturer's instructions
Poor anchoring or stretching of the skin |
Ensure the tourniquet remains sufficiently tight until insertion is completed.
Ensure the cannula is released from the stylet prior to insertion, to allow for smooth advancement.
Ensure that a sufficient length of the cannula is inserted into the vein before stylet withdrawal.
Use good technique.
Assess the vein accurately, observing for valves, and avoid them where possible. |
In the event of early stylet removal or encountering a valve, connect a syringe of 0.9% sodium chloride, flush the cannula and advance at the same time in an effort to ‘float’ the device into the vein.
Tighten the tourniquet and wait for the vein to refill. |
Difficulty in flushing once the cannula is in situ | Sometimes, the cannula is successfully inserted but, on checking patency by flushing, the practitioner has difficulty due to one or more of the following:
Avoid areas along the vein where there may be valves.
Ensure careful insertion to prevent puncturing the posterior wall of the vein. |
Withdraw the cannula slightly to move it away from the vein wall or valve and attempt to flush.
If the vein wall is pierced and any swelling is observed, remove the cannula.
Attempt to withdraw the clot and clear the occlusion. |
Procedure guideline 17.5