Removal of sutures or clips

Evidence‐based approaches


Removal of sutures/clips is usually performed between days 4 and 14 after insertion, depending on the anatomical location of the wound (Trott [107]). Routinely, alternative sutures/clips are removed first, with the remainder removed if the incision stays securely closed. If the wound edges begin to separate during the procedure, the remaining sutures/clips should be left in place and reported to the responsible clinician (Cooper and Gosnell [15]).

Pre‐procedural considerations

Assess the wound and surrounding skin for any areas of concern, such as infection. Surgical notes and instructions should be reviewed (NMC [82]). Analgesia may be offered depending on the patient and wound site.
Procedure guideline 18.2
Procedure guideline 18.3

Post‐procedural considerations

After removal of sutures or clips, patients should receive information on how to care for their wound, including dressing removal, cleansing the area without causing trauma, signs of infection, scar management and reducing exposure to direct sunlight (Perry et al. [85]).