Clinical breast examination

A clinical breast examination is required to gain information regarding the presenting symptom and patient background. It is also required to visually and palpably assess the breast and axilla in order to inform diagnostic tests required. It is indicated for any patient, male or female with a breast or axillary change, who is referred to a diagnostic breast clinic by a GP or other healthcare professional.


A clinical breast examination is required to gain information regarding presenting symptoms and the patient's background to inform the potential diagnostic tests required.


Presentation with breast symptom or change including:
  • lump
  • thickening
  • change in shape or appearance
  • nipple discharge
  • focal breast pain.


There are no contraindications to breast examination although inability to lie in the supine position or perform arm manoeuvres will limit the sensitivity of the examination and should be noted in the examination notes.
Procedure guideline 20.8