Chapter 27: Living with and beyond cancer
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Principles of care
Encourage people with cancer to keep physically active both during and after treatment (Campbell et al. [35], Hall‐Alston [121], Schmitz et al. [249]). A growing body of evidence indicates that physical activity has potential value at all stages of the cancer pathway. Physical activity during treatment will optimize cardiopulmonary fitness and can reduce symptom burden including cancer‐related fatigue. Physical activity post treatment can also improve health and wellbeing and in palliative patients, quality of life. There is also evidence to show that patients who are physically active after a cancer diagnosis enjoy a longer survival and lower risk of recurrence and disease progression (Macmillan Cancer Support 2017).

Figure 27.32 Physical activity pathway. Source: Department of Health ([105]). © Crown copyright 2012. Reproduced under the Open Government Licence v3.0,‐government‐licence/version/3/