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Figure c19/c19f001
Figure 19.1
The ‘Wheel of Wellbeing’. Source : Reproduced from Office for National Statistics ( ).
Figure c19/c19f005
Figure 19.5
Illustration of weight burden on the spine as the head tips forward.
Figure c19/c19f002
Figure 19.2
How much time do you spend thinking about the here and now?
Figure c19/c19f006
Figure 19.6
Workstation adjustment and efficient working posture.
Figure c19/c19f003
Figure 19.3
Am I hydrated? Source : Reproduced from RCN ( ) with permission of the Royal College of Nursing.
Figure c19/c19uf002
Figure 3a
Combining a kneeling stool and a leg support to reduce strain on knees and keep the back upright. Some padding under the knees would make this positio...
Figure c19/c19f004
Figure 19.4
How many cups should I drink on a 12 hour shift?
Figure c19/c19uf003
Figure 3b
This stool can be used for sitting or kneeling on one or both knees. This allows for changes in posture while protecting the joints.