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Boolean operators
This OR that
This AND that
This NOT that
Must include "This" and "That"
This That
Must not include "That"
This -That
"This" is optional
This +That
Exact phrase "This That"
"This That"
(this AND that) OR (that AND other)


The Royal Marsden Hospital Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures is an excellent tool to enable nurses to access the latest research relevant to practice quickly and easily from a source they can trust. For many nurses it has become a defining text.
– Dame Christine Beasley, Chief Nursing Officer, Department of Health

The Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures,

Tenth Edition

Clinical nurse experts from one of the UK’s leading centres of expertise have brought together all the latest clinical evidence nurses need to meet confidently the requirements of their demanding profession. The Manual includes over 350 evidence-based clinical procedures related to every aspect of care, from handwashing to cardiopulmonary resuscitation. For more information about all Royal Marsden Manual products visit


Wiley empowers researchers, learners, universities, and corporations to achieve their goals in an ever-changing world.

For over 215 years we have been helping people and organisations develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. We develop digital education, learning, assessment, and certification solutions to help universities, businesses, and individuals move between education and employment and achieve their ambitions. By partnering with learned societies, we support researchers to communicate discoveries that make a difference. Our online scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly journals, books, and other digital content build on a 215-year heritage of quality publishing.

For more information visit:

The Royal Marsden Hospital

The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust is ranked as one of the top NHS trusts in the country in the NHS national performance rankings. It is a centre of excellence with an international reputation for groundbreaking research and pioneering the very latest in cancer treatments and technologies, as well as specialising in cancer diagnosis and education. 

For more information visit: